Indian economy is like a banyan tree of thousand years of life having number of branches i.e society, culture, business, politics, education, industries etc. With the moving pace every branch grow up and provide assistance to the whole tree, but in case if one branch get infected with any of disease it affects whole tree.
If we see this 1000 year old tree, it is flourishing and covering large space of land means number of Indian natives & companies are spreading around the world and providing facilities to other countries & their citizens. In U.K & USA, Indians are doing exceptionally well in various fields i.e. politics, business, arts, literature etc.
Factors behind corruption:

Political Patronage - In India, politicians means criminals. If you want to check out then simply look at the background of any local MLAs, MPs . More than 78% of MPs, MLAs are mafias, highly corrupted individuals, Old jamizaars “Landlords”, criminals or highly corrupted government official.
Administrative Labyrinth- Cumbersome and dilatory administrative procedures and practices are another major cause of corruption in India.
Bureaucracy: If you visit any public (government) office, you will some very simple commonalities i.e.
• No cleanliness
• No fear “ DAD’s office” type of attitude of officials.
• Babu raj “ the peon of government officials looks more powerful than their bosses”.
• “No Bribe No work” principle
Lack of Punishment: “Justice delayed is justice denied in most cases of corruption”.
According to law ministry data of 2006, 33,635 cases were pending in Supreme court, nearly 34.2 lakhs cases were pending in high courts, Allahabad high court having highest pending cases of about 7.3 lakhs. In lower courts, nearly 2.3 crore cases were pending acroos the country. In India conviction rate is only 6%, average disposal time of case in court is 15-20 years.
Social Enviornment: The societal culture or societal environment has powerful impact on public administration. In present day India, corruption has found an acceptance in the social psyche and behaviour. Social evils like bribery, nepotism and favouritism have come to be accepted in the society. Other reasons may be:
Selfish attitude among Individuals: It's very common Indian tendency that if I am not able to do something then others will definitely don’t do it. May be its jealousy or arrogance but its there in Indian attitude & to show off and show down else an individual can do anything and can pay anything.
No time problem: Actually this factor also play a vital role in promoting corruption. Suppose you are new at any place and don’t know anybody in the city but you want to do your job done, then normally people ready to pay extra money than the value of product or service offers which prompts other people to generate extra money from newbie in the city or place.
Increasing worthiness of individuals- With the open economy, youths are earning 5 digits salary. So they never bother in wasting their salary in unfair means i.e. boozing, sex etc which sometimes tapped them in trouble and to come out from such situations they are ready to pay any amount of money to government authorities which also aggrandize the feeling of corruption among government authorities i.e. police etc
Labels: corruption