I wish all Indians a very happy independence day. 350 millions people won their freedom on this day. It this not worth a celebration? We should remember and thank each and every freedom fighter who had participated in the non-violent war against the British. The freedom that we enjoy today is because of these great warriors. Let’s salute them on this auspicious day.

Its been 62 years since we got our independence. We have evolved quite rapidly over the years. Today, almost every ear is listening and every eye is watching us, is this not because of our greatness we have developed during these years. Indians are known for their intelligence; innovation, engineering, tradition, culture, courage, values, valor, honesty, truthfulness, loving nature, and lot more. We have developed an identity for ourselves. This identity values more than our trillion economy. These days we have huge influence on the American and the European culture. But let’s preserve the Indianism i.e. special qualities we are best known for. Please don’t sacrifice your values for anything not even for God sake. Wherever you are, be proud to be an Indian and always live like an Indian.

Enjoying this gorgeous identity, mother India has given us, what are we giving her in return? Let us try to be her beloved children. Fill your heart with love and spread the message of peace. Let us not get carried away with hatred and violence our neighbors are showering on us. Let us make India a heaven on earth. Besides her lustrous richness, India is facing a lot of problems in all sectors because of one evil practice…corruption. Even the educated people are actively contributing to corruption to get their things done quickly. But in doing so, we are submitting our obedience to this evil. We are sacrificing our character. Does time worth more than our human and moral values? Please don’t buy your rights with money. Stop corruption from your side. Contribute in whatever way possible for the best of our nation.

Wear the flag close to your heart and show how dearly you love your nation.

Happy Independence Day.

Best wishes
