I wish all Indians a very happy Independence Day. On this very auspicious day, lets remember the sacrifices done by our father Mahatma and many other freedom fighters. Let us learn from their valor, determination and self-confidence in fighting against the evils prevailing in our society.
From the feedback, I received for my blog, I do realize that most of you believe that it is not always possible to stop giving bribes. Many have given their practical situations where they have no option but to bribe in order to get their critical things done. Let me discuss this issue from another front.
Everyday we read, listen and mourn for the holy sacrifices of our brave soldiers across the border. Why are these soldiers sacrificing their life for us? Some might argue that its their duty. How many of us are ready to die for our duty? How many of us will ever join a company that risks our life? But why are these soldiers sacrificing their life for us? The soldier’s primary motto is to protect the country from the evil elements entering our border. Their will and determination is so strong that they even risk their life. They do believe that if they do not sacrifice, many of their brothers and sisters in the country are at the risk of their lives. But are these sacrifices constrained only to the soldiers across the border or to the men in uniform?
In our daily life, we face many situations where we need to bribe. What happens if we do not bribe? We might probably lose our valuable time, hard earned money…we might even get hurt….. Are we not ready for these sacrifices? If we are not ready for losing such small things, then are we really eligible to enjoy the freedom given to us by our soldiers? Are we really respecting their sacrifices? Please do think and do not hesitate to sacrifice for the good of our country.
Happy Independence day
Best wishes
From the feedback, I received for my blog, I do realize that most of you believe that it is not always possible to stop giving bribes. Many have given their practical situations where they have no option but to bribe in order to get their critical things done. Let me discuss this issue from another front.
Everyday we read, listen and mourn for the holy sacrifices of our brave soldiers across the border. Why are these soldiers sacrificing their life for us? Some might argue that its their duty. How many of us are ready to die for our duty? How many of us will ever join a company that risks our life? But why are these soldiers sacrificing their life for us? The soldier’s primary motto is to protect the country from the evil elements entering our border. Their will and determination is so strong that they even risk their life. They do believe that if they do not sacrifice, many of their brothers and sisters in the country are at the risk of their lives. But are these sacrifices constrained only to the soldiers across the border or to the men in uniform?
In our daily life, we face many situations where we need to bribe. What happens if we do not bribe? We might probably lose our valuable time, hard earned money…we might even get hurt….. Are we not ready for these sacrifices? If we are not ready for losing such small things, then are we really eligible to enjoy the freedom given to us by our soldiers? Are we really respecting their sacrifices? Please do think and do not hesitate to sacrifice for the good of our country.
Happy Independence day
Best wishes
"However good our programmes and schemes might be, their benefit will not reach the public till the government machinery is not free of corruption and till it is not effective in their implementation. I would like our public administration to be more efficient so that programmes for public good can be implemented faster. We need to improve our delivery systems to provide basic services to our citizens. We will act with speed on the recommendations of the Administrative Reforms Commission to strengthen governance. Renewed efforts will be made to decentralize public administration through the Panchayati Raj institutions and to ensure greater involvement of people in it. Initiative will be taken for a new partnership between the civil society and the government so that tax payers' money is better spent. We have enacted the Right to Information Act to enhance accountability and transparency in public life. This law will be improved so that it is more effective."
It is on this very auspicious day, August 15th, that we regained our lost identity. Lets thank our fathers and fore-fathers who had given us this FREEDOM. Being the privileged citizens of the most beautiful country, lets show our gratitude by helping someone in need.
We wish to organize a blood donation camp in Duisburg on the 15th of August, 2009. But for all those we are donating for the first time, you have to go through a medical check up in advance (August 8th or atleast by August 10th). Please contact me @ 017624855631/02035089951 for further information.

Is donating blood safe?
Donating blood is a safe process. Needles and bags used to collect blood are used only once and then discarded, making spread of infection to the donor not possible.
Donating blood is a safe process. Needles and bags used to collect blood are used only once and then discarded, making spread of infection to the donor not possible.
Most reasons, for which donors are turned away from donating blood are temporary, not permanent. For example, one common reason for a deferral is low iron level in the blood, but iron levels fluctuate daily and are affected by what you eat. Check the eligibility requirements to see if you may be eligible to donate. A "mini-physical" is given to all potential donors to ensure they are healthy enough to donate.
Regulations in the United States allow people to donate whole blood once every 56 days. The waiting period between donations can be different for other blood components. For example, donating only platelets in a process called apheresis requires only a 3 day wait before a person can give again. Donating two units of red blood cells through a similar process doubles the waiting period to 112 days.
You must be in good health, be at least 17 years old, and weigh at least 110 pounds. You will also need to pass physical and health history reviews prior to donating. There is no upper age limit on your ability to donate. Conditions that require a temporary deferral are pregnancy, travel to certain parts of the world, inoculations, some health conditions and certain medications. Call 1-800 GIVE LIFE or check the eligibility requirements to get answers to specific eligibility questions you may have. Eligibility requirements may also vary for some states and blood centers. Final eligibility is determined by medical professionals at the time of donation.
Are the health history questions and my test results confidential?
Yes. The health history will be conducted by a trained professional in an individual booth arranged to preserve confidentiality. Your answers will be kept confidential, except where required by law. If your blood tests positive to any of the administered standard tests, you will receive confidential notification. The Red Cross maintains strict confidentiality of all blood donor records.
While you may be unable to donate blood, there are other ways you can help. You can help organize a blood drive, recruit other suitable donors, or volunteer at fixed sites or mobile blood drives to help make donors' experience a positive one. Monetary donations are another way to help ensure that safe blood can be provided to those who are in need.
You'll want a good night's sleep the night before, and a good breakfast or lunch before your donation. Drink fluids like juice, milk, or soda ahead of time. Take your normal medications as prescribed. Ensure you have adequate iron level by making iron-rich foods part of your daily diet. These include red meat, poultry, fish, green leafy vegetables, iron-fortified cereals, nuts, raisins and prunes. During your donation, relax. After your donation, have some juice and cookies in the canteen. Then you can go about your daily activities, but avoid heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for the remainder of the day.
The whole process takes about an hour. It starts with registration, a health history and a mini-physical. Then comes the actual donation, which usually takes less than 10-12 minutes. Afterward, you will be asked to spend a few minutes in the "canteen" where you can have a light refreshment before returning to your normal activities.
A blood donation equals approximately one pint of blood. The average adult body has 10-12 pints. The vast majority of people will not feel any different because of the donation. A very small percentage may experience temporary dizziness, but some rest and fluids will help you feel better quickly. Your body will replace the lost fluid within 24 hours.
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