Annual Report 2009-2010

Every one of us is striving hard to abolish corruption from our minds and free the shackles for development in India. All those who are closely following this mission has to acknowledge that this can not be realized in a few weeks or months but it will take several years to actually see the fruits for our current efforts. In our journey, so far we have done a lot but unfortunately we do not see any results to rejoice. This is de-motivating a lot of us. I wish to take a few minutes to explain what we achieved so far.

All long journeys also start with a first step. That is what we have done during the last year. During the early days we discussed about what each one of us thinks about corruption. I still remember the days when we all blamed Govt. officials and politicians for all the corruption prevailing in our country. After through analysis we did find out that each one of us is equally nurturing and promoting corruption. This is a significant outcome of the first phase of our mission. We are closely observing and conscious about all our activities contributing to corruption. Today we are in a better shape to understand what we are doing and why we are doing things to promote corruption.

Our contributions to corruption might be quite small. But we know the long term consequences of our petty activities towards corruption. We did realize that in this process, we are corrupting our brains by making ourselves believe that all our actions towards corruption are minor and will not harm anyone (which is not true). The main reasons for our mean actions are lack of time because the righteous process is cumbersome and we are scared of future consequences that we might face if we do not bribe.

But are we really scared to face the reality? You guys are very energetic, smart and well educated. You can always find solutions to any given problem. You do not have to be corrupted to realize your dreams. What we have done so far is to realize that any act towards corruption is a crime. Right now, we might not be in a position to completely stop corruption. But we will make steady progress.

We made our first move, let’s get going …This success belongs to each one of us


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